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Please name the legislative body you are providing boundary files for. Sometimes members from more than one legislative body are elected based on the same constituencies; in this case please list all the legislative bodies. Similary if the file you link to has the constituency boundaries for multiple legislative bodies (e.g. all the state assemblies in a country) then please list all the legislative bodies included.
Please answer “Yes”, if the boundary files are made available by the government or other body on a public website. Please answer “No” if the data are NOT available online or are available online only after registering, requesting the data from a civil servant via email, completing a contact form or another similar administrative process.
Please describe the source as follows: If you found the files on an electoral commission website please fill in: “Electoral Commission website”. If the boundaries are only available as a Web Feature Service on the same website please specify this by writing "WFS on Electoral Commission website".
Boundary data for constituencies may not be available for the whole country - if you are providing a subset answer 'No' and then specify the sub-region(s) you are providing the data for.
If the area is not split into constituencies please provide the administrative area of the legislative body. i.e. the whole country, state, region, city, etc.
Please enter the name of the government department or agency responsible for producing these boundary files
Please answer 'No' if post processing is required to combine smaller administrative subdivisions in order to construct the geometry of the constituency.
If you cannot find all data characteristics online, continue answering all further questions referring to the characteristics you found.
Please answer “Yes”, if you can easily download all the data at once from the URL at which you found them. Please answer “No” if you have to do many manual steps to download the data, or if you can only retrieve very few parts of a large dataset at a time (for instance through a search interface).
Please base your answer on the date at which you answer this question. Answer “No” if you cannot determine a date, or if the boundary files are outdated.
Boundary files can be valid for one or many legislative terms. Please tell us the legislative terms when you know these boundaries are definitely valid
This question measures if anyone is legally allowed to use, modify and redistribute data for any purpose. Only then data is considered truly "open" (see Open Definition). Answer ”Yes” if the data are openly licensed. The Open Definition provides a list of conformant licences. Answer also “Yes” if there is no open licence, but a statement that the dataset is in “public domain”. To count as public domain the dataset must not be protected by copyright, patents or similar restrictions. If you are not sure whether an open licence or public domain disclaimer is compliant with the Open Definition 2.1, seek feedback on the Open Data Index discussion forum.
Public domain statements can be disclaimers, terms of use or similar texts.
Tell us the file formats of the data. We automatically compare them against a list of file formats that are considered machine-readable and open. A file format is called machine-readable if your computer can process, access, and modify single elements in a data file. The Index considers formats to be “open” if they can be fully processed with at least one free and open-source software tool. The source code of these format does not have to be open. Potentially these formats allow more people to use the data, because people do not need to buy specific software to open it.